Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 3

Today will be the last day of the Master Cleanse.  I made an executive decision and it comes down to this:  I did clean eating for 2 days prior to the Master Cleanse and will do 3 days of continued clean eating after today.  Total days of eating no real food equals 7-8 days.  That is good for me.  I didn't get to play soccer again last night.  I have no energy.  They say it comes on day 5 or so since much of the energy that is used in digestion is available for clarity and your stomach and digestive system really starts to clear out.  Let me just say, this process is ridiculous.  I can't even believe people do this for great lengths of time and love it.  It will for sure be much easier in the winter when there aren't birthday parties and cookouts every weekend.  I may try it again then.  There's nothing wrong with a juice cleanse either.  I believe it to be just as effective and I think in the future, I'll go with that option.  In the meantime, i long for chewing and tasting real food on Saturday.  I went to Wegmans on my lunch break to prep for tomorrow's juicing and Friday's soup/raw foods meals.  Love that place, always spend too much money.  Can't wait to have a new taste in my mouth.  4 more tough hours to grind through.  Arg.  At least the O's are on now so I can have something to do.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 2

Day 2 of the Master Cleanse.  Feeling good.  This morning was the first day I have tried the Salt Water Flush.  It was not enjoyable.  I almost threw it up by the time I drank it all.  It's hard enough drinking that much liquid, then throw in the salty taste.  foul.  but i think it did the job.  actually i'm not sure.  i took a crap, but i'm not sure if it was due to the SWF or just the normal from the lax tea last night.  whatevs.  i decided to weigh myself and i weigh more since i started.  it's def water weight.  I did however think that i was going to be perpetually hungry throughout this process, but i'm not.  there is a bit of uncomfort, but i'm not sure if you would call it being hungry.  I've had my moments though.  tonight, i'm going to the O's game.  boo for not eating and drinking at the Yard.  but then again, it's good for me in terms of discipline and health.  During the cleanse kick, i've been watching some of the cool healthy food documentaries on Netflix, which included Forks Over Knives.  Today, I visited their website and discovered this crazy story about an Ultramarathoner, Rich Roll.  
Ew.  Inspiring, yet slightly disturbing.  New Hero.

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Master Cleanse

Today is Day 1 of The Master Cleanse.  This past weekend, I did the "Ease In" (eating all raw foods, then just pure vegetable/fruit juice) and I must say that it was easier than I thought it would be.  That is not to say that it was easy.  If you are not familiar with the Master Cleanse, it is described as the "Lemonade Diet."  (i.e. the diet that Beyonce used to shed 20 lbs for her "Dream Girls" role).
Let's be honest though - I am not using this as a diet for weight loss, rather to cleanse my body of toxins.  I had some weird stomach problems last week and so I figured I would at least attempt it.  The lemonade concoction consists of lemon juice, grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper (& water).  Another key to the Master Cleanse is to do a salt water flush (warm salt water) in the morning before you start your day and to drink a laxative tea at night.  It was suggested that you don't start the SWF until Day 2, so I didn't do that this morning, but did drink the tea last night.  So far, so good.  I really thought I'd be starving all day...oh but wait, I am.  I guess my mind set is the ultimate goal, so I'm grinding through.  I hear it should be easier come Day 4 and following (as far as the hunger pains).  I hope to get to Day 10, but I'd be good if I can get through this week and feel good.  10 days is a long time without a burger, plus 2-4 days before/after the cleanse for the ease in/out is 2+ weeks.  Perhaps too long.  If I start feeling nasty with no energy at the end of the week, I'll prob be pretty tempted to give in.  I mean, i had to give up soccer tonight.  and 2 weeks in a row is kinda extreme.