Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fantasy Factory

This is the greatest show of all time...season 4 is comingggg in april!  unfortunately, this is only from season 3, but it's amazing and prolly the most hilarious thing everrr!
Today, the weather was so awesome!  prolly like high 60's!  I can't wait till spring so i dont have to wear a coat everywhere i go.  and so i can start running outside.  And i want my life back.  
i just watched jersey shore.  4 episodes.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

venison tastes so good on my lips

Sundays are always relaxing.  No work, church, friends, food, grocery shop, and sometimes i even cook.  My daddy's a deer hunter.  in fact this season, he shot 14.  14!  And last week when i went over to his house to do my taxes, he gave me about 10 lbs of deer.  i had to be like that's enough since my freezer is so, hamburg, tenderloin, and backstrap!  so today, i decided to cook some tenderloin, simple as that.  it tastes like steak, but leaner and gamier.  i like that.  that's what i'm used to.  then i was like whoah, i'm on a roll.  so i decided to make deer meat loaf.  meatloaf?  i know it's kinda gramma, but it's maybe the easiest legit recipe of all time...
mmm, tastes so good on my lips.  a bit of worcheshire sauce, garlic powder, and salt and peppa rubbed on 2 small tender pieces of tenderloin.  
i did not celebrate valentines day.
i will not be celebrating presidents day.
dw, son.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

so I'm way behind

it's been awhile, right?  i'm kinda slacking with the blogging thing and maybe just life in general.  busy season is close to being half way done - so yay. but that also means that i still have half to go.  i would like to say it is all down hill from here, but rather i believe it will be an uphill climb.  next week i'll be visiting the great state of Connecticut...which is every year the most stressful week of my life.  ugh anyways, i decided to skip the gym today - well not really but only because i have to leave work early today for soccer.  yay. 
in the mean time, here's the best i got.
love the flaired pant style for work that's com'n back in.

Jennifer Anniston on 30 Rock. she is classic and her style is timeless.

Justin Beiber!  when is his new 3-D movie coming out, soon right?  jk, i'm really not a fan...really.  but i did see that Rascal Flatts recorded a duet with him, "That Should Be Me" which will be released on Valentines day on his remix CD.  scchhhweet.
love the new Emersonmade pendants
 i dare you to wear a blanket and a belt.  this girl pulled it off though.  belt is pretty rad.
yessss.  tomorrow is friday.  only to have to work the next day, which is saturday.  blah.