Friday, September 30, 2011

Dear Phillies,

Heading to Game 1 tomorow after coaching.  My first experience going to playoffs - I am excited. Please don't let me down.  It's that simple.

Friday, September 23, 2011

soccer season is underway

Happy Friday!  It's ugly out today though.  rain and dark this morning.
I don't blog much anymore.  Soccer has taken over my life, well not really, only twice a week...and the weekends. so that counts.  but i also obsess about MWS.  you know last night, i was wearing a MWS shirt at LoyolaU and some guy pointed it out and said, "you must be good."  ahhh, made my night.  i shrugged it off though and said, "used to be..."  i was running with a bag of cones, to the i couldn't chat.  but i overheard him talking to his friend.  he said, MWS is goooood.  they win national championships.  Yes they do and continue to is legit this year AGAIN. 
I recently completed the Friday Night Lights series...tear.  so good.  so i've been trying to find another feel good series on Netflix to start.  (MadMen, yes - in the future when i have a little more time.)  I chose Felicity.

Monday, September 5, 2011


BGP down on Pratt Street in Grandstand 27.
The city of Baltimore was crazy baby!  downtown was completely blocked off...for good reason.  the baltimore grand prix was in town this past weekend and that meant fast cars, loud engines and 3 days of straight partying.  it was a crazy scene down there.  mad cool.  saturday, i decided to ride my bike down to the race to try and avoid traffic; however, it was prolly a poor choice.  i had to walk all the way around the race track (with my bike) to get to the party i was going to.  i'm not complaining though - it was cool to see (and hear) the cars and race for the first time as i was walking around.  it was also equally cool to watch from the rooftop.  anyways, sunday i got tickets and sat in the Grandstand on the straight away, with my brother and some friends.  It was seriously awesome!  awesome!  i wish we would've taken a little more time to soak it all in and see all of the exhibits and everything, bc the event was just fantastic, fantastic for the city.  what is exciting is that Bmore put in a 5 yr contract, so it's coming back next year!  count me in; i'm def looking forward to it.  ok. well time for a little online shopping.  happy Labor Day off of work!