Do you watch
Top Chef? I used to...when i had cable. friday night, i went with some friends to
Graffiato in DC,
Mike Isabella's restaurant. he recently appeared on the Top Chef All-Stars season (ehh, last year i think), but was also on the season with the
Voltaggio brothers. I think i knew him best from his pepperoni sauce that was popular; and yes, the pepperoni sauce was money. Overall, not bad. i'm not giving a review, because, in reality, i would tend to just comment on how many calories i ate, which was just WAAAY too much. we had this hilarious gay waiter that shared stories of he and his boyfriend. but maybe it was because my friends, or one in particular, kept spurning him on by asking him these
great questions: about the menu, about life...what his favorite Christmas present was. fun times. i could not help but just laugh...out loud.

Today, is a big day here in Baltimore. the ravens are in the playoffs at home. t'would be nice to cheer another week for the black and purple and not have to hear the rants of angry co-workers tomorrow. I wish it was warm enough outside for an outfit like this, but it's not. it's cold outside. Today's forecast: High of 34, late-night low of 27 with a strong chance of a Ravens win!
that friend must have been a brilliant conversationalist...i mean favorite christmas present. brilliant