Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hot off the press

Fall to a lot of people is great because of football.  and i always get asked about football, like the NFL, fantasy football, etc. - i even play a little flag football in the fall.  but my answer will always season is soccer season, son.  so while i'm an eagles and ravens fan, i know nothing about their players and i really don't care about the games, unless it means going to the latest and greatest party on a Sunday afternoon.  My focus remains on MWS during those fall months.  i follow the website like a hawk and well, whatta you know...they finally updated it.  Look!  or wait, L@@K as ebay sellers put it, new team and new players.  Yessss.  too bad they are not in Bmore this year.  I hope i can make it out to a few this season, but i seem to have a lot on the sched already this year. 
designers, make it work.
(classic coach frey)
Hey MWS, you know I AM your biggest fan.
Speaking of soccer, how freaking awesome was the WWC2011?  
It.was.awesome.  I love twitter.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's ok...

It's ok...
1. not sleep in on a Saturday || don't waste your life
2. skip working out 2 days in a row ||  It's summertime
3. wanna go to the beach so bad || I've yet to this summer -  Nothing beats sand and surf on a hot sunny day
4. have an empty refrigerator || I have become too lazy to grocery shop
5. stand in line for over an hr to get food and then be informed that the food ran out || actually it's not ok
6. want to go to the Phils/Mets game while i'm in NYC next weekend || anyone wanna go?
7. eat icecream 3 days in a row ||  there's no "I" in team, but there's an "I" in icecream
8. lose against Sweden || because you will totes redeem yourself tomorrow v. BRA
 9. be strong and fierce, and maybe over competitive ||  i will always win
10. only have 9 in a list || and not 10
don't you hate unreliable people?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Step it up USA

First of all, I'd like to apologize (to my 3 followers) for my lack of blog postings.  my b.  so sorry.  but i do post on tumblr and pinterest, so that kinda counts.
Summertime is so sweet.  specially when the WWC is here!  USA hasn't won since 1999.  I mean, really, how could you forget B. Chastain's epic pk to win it for us.  Let me remind you:
epic i tell you.
this time, there's no brandi, no mia, no lilly.  waah.  but...
some young talented personalities on the squad.

dude, but how come they lost today?  arg.  at least they are not out.  but they do have to play BRA.  Marta.  sick.  nasty.  will be a good game and for sure a test of the best.
btw, how do you like those uniforms?  my initial thought was ew, but now i think i may like them, slightly.
i can't wait to go to NYC in a few weeks.  i need a break from my boring life.