Monday, January 3, 2011

New years' non-goals...OK and resolutions

I guess when a new year begins, you are supposed to come up with a list of resolutions for the new year.  Maybe not a list, maybe just one...i bet the most popular new years resolution is losing weight or perhaps a generic "spend more time with family or friends."  These are all good...they are.  and I hope that I am able to do these things too in 2011.  But I was recently inspired by this gal's non-goals...very creative - love the idea so much I will share my own - actually mine weren't necessarily things i love about myself, but i guess things i gave myself credit for doing in 2010:
  1. Blogging:  Something about blogging is very refreshing.  It's like sharing thoughts and slightly diary-ish, but not.  or maybe just venting on paper.  I think since September, I've blogged at least twice a week, if not every day.  and i like random thoughts and fragments.  and talking slang, but not ghetto.  and putting a lowercase i instead of I.  Horray.
  2. Fill the DVR every week:  well, almost.  I will continue to watch as much TV as I want.  That's why I pay for the bloody cable box.
  3. That girl praised herself for brushing her teeth every night before she went to bed, so I will too.  If you don't you are nast. foul.
  4. Hug my little niece often:   ok, well maybe this one doesn't count bc how can you resist this little ball of cuteness?! 
  5. Tweet.  I like Twitter alot.  and i brought it back this year.
  6. Drink coffee every day.  This is a good habit and don't tell me otherwise.
  7. Wear sweatpants often.  This is also a good habit.  Although slightly sloppy, they are sooo worth it.
  8. Not obsesssing about germs.  I can't stand people that do the paper towl thing in the bathroom and don't touch things with germs on them.  Get over it.  Only the strong survive.
Yo don't stress - Here are my goals for 2011.
  1. Wear my hair down more often.  This is bold.  I never wear my hair down bc, first of all - so annoying.  secondly, it takes way too long to manage in the morning bf work and I'd rather get to work 10 minutes early.  third, when i wear my hair down at work, so many people comment, oooooo, your hair is so long.  what are you supposed to say?!  yep. the end. or nope. liar. or thanks, but not really. or duuhh. retard.
  2. Paint my nails one time this year.  I think the last time I did was when I was interviewing for a job after college. But it was only the clear stuff.  Maybe it wil be my toenails, maybe fingernails *gasp* why am i saying this?!
  3. Compete in a race.  This one is pending a healthy ankle.  I hope, I pray, but only time will tell.  I really wanna do a triathalon.  Even though I suck at swimming.
  4. Travel this summer.  I want to travel outside of the USofA.  Any good ideas?  Anyone wanna come?
  5. Cook more often.  and by this i mean, wholesome meals.  like fish and vegetables or venison and couscous.  not egg-white breakfast sandwiches every freaking night, and morning, and afternoon.
  6. Make more of an effort to visit friends and family.  I have no excuse for not.
  7. Play more scrabble.  I am addicted to online scrabble.  scrabble is an educational game though.  it is.
  8. Drink more water.  I am dehydrated all the time.  Let's change this for 2011.
  9. Go see a movie in the theatres.  I cannot remember the last movie that I have seen in the theatres.  I never go.  I used to fall asleep.  It is kinda a waste of money, but I always see the movie previews and say, i wanna see that.  and then. i. never. do.
  10. Complete P90X...again.  it's fierce!  I dare you to try.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?  hny.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHHAA love 2011 goal #2 DO IT! ask Jenny Chang. hahahah
