1. The Olympics: Yo London. Even though the opening ceremonies are not until Friday, the US Women's National soccer team played and beat France today. Big time come back from a 0-2 deficit to win it in the second half 4-2. I personally thought they played terrible, but found a way to overcome that. Still loved it. Love the team, love the players, love the sport. Highlights
...and you know that the best is yet to come!
2. The Phillies: they are hot and have won 4 straight nail biters...ok, they are still in last place in the division, but hey...it's still exciting to see. Additionally, can't be disappointed seeing Cole Hammels signing the LT deal-EO. i just hope they are able to contend for a spot in the playoffs.
...and one more thing. going to OCMD tomorrow night for the weekend. hooray.